The new way to feel strong, confident and in control when having a baby

Introducing Body Ready Method™ certified consultations for birth preparation

Body Ready Method™ is a new type of birth preparation which focusses on increasing the body’s balance and range of motion to stack the cards in favour of a more straightforward birth experience.

There is nothing difficult to learn.

You don’t need to turn up to a class.

You don’t need special equipment or clothing.

And after your initial assessment, you will have a simple set of “tools” to practice which are specifically collated for you.

In two to four easy one-to-one sessions with Sarah, you’ll learn:

how to achieve balance in your pregnant body,

tips for avoiding and navigating common roadblocks in labour and birth

and how create a plan to help you feel stronger for a healthy postpartum recovery.

What is different about the Body Ready Method?

BRM professionals such as Sarah stand apart from other birthworkers in that we help clients to make real change in their bodies, dispel myths about the pregnant and birthing body and support clients with effective tips, tools and practices that are manageable, easy to learn and tailored to the person’s specific needs.

All our antenatal clients may request our exclusive discount code when purchasing the Body Ready online pregnancy and postnatal exercise program.

Why do we need the Body Ready Method™ approach now?

Approximately 25% of births in the UK now are emergency caesareans. In other words, one in four women who head for the maternity unit, leave it after a birth completely unlike what they had hoped for.

Some of those emergency caesareans were necessary to save lives. But many professionals and researchers are concerned that a deeper understanding of the biomechanics of labour and birth could make straightforward births more likely.

Already many doulas and midwives are using the Body Ready techniques to minimise disfunction, optimise the birthing experience and enable a smooth transition into postnatal recovery with as little reliance on surgery and interventions as possible.

One to one consultations

I offer private consultations for pregnant women in two practical, information-packed structured sessions which meet the client where she is in her pregnancy journey. I cannot guarantee an outcome but I can certainly help her to stack the cards in her favour.

Your first BRM session

In your first session we assess how the client stands and walks and identify any imbalances. This does not imply that the client is anything less than a perfect person - simply that there are very slight adjustments which can be made!

We then suggest a manageable library of simple “tools” to help. The tools are so easy - you don’t need special clothing or equipment and you can practice them during your daily routine.

Your second BRM session

In the second session, we check how you are getting on with the tools and build your “library” of movements and positions for labour and birth. Additional sessions may be added.

We do not pretend to promise that every person who works with us will have an easier birth but we do know that the principles on which the Body Ready Method is based really do help!

Click the button below to call or text Sarah today to discuss one to one consultations or book the session straight away from our Book and Buy page.


  • I like to think that what is different is the sheer simplicity of the tools that you are given to help balance your body in preparation for labour and birth. We look deeply into how birth works and if you had a baby before, we use that experience to learn what went well and what could go better next time.

  • It’s never too late, or too early, to start because the tools are so gentle and easy to work with.

  • Absolutely! We welcome referrals from doulas and midwives who would like their clients to have easier, more straightforward birth experiences. Please email me for more details.

  • At present I can only offer consultations within the London area as it is best to meet you face to face.

  • Any time during office hours from Tuesday to Thursday. Evening consultations are also available for an additional charge.



